Any of the images in this gallery can be created in 3 mins or less using the Matryoshka software.
Three amber gem arranged around a mother gem and then replicated for 3 generations Note the use of increasing transparency with each generation.
Design view to arrange relative relative angles and positions of daughter gems around the mother.
A transparency of the word "Love" is used as mother image with a single daughter. The pattern is replicated for 9 generations where each daughter become a mother.
Design view in with controls to adjust the number of generations, opacity and toggle for whether the first generation appears underneath the others or on the top.
Mother-daughter shells replicated for 24 generations in a spiral against a background of basalt rocks.
Daughter is placed at 45 degree angle in relation to mother and overlapping. The wooden knob can be rotated using the mouse cursor.
Buddha statue arranged on field of grass. In this pattern there are 4 daughter buddhas per mother but scaled to different sizes. Only a single replication is required to get 21 buddhas.
Cogs replicated on a rusty metal plate. Because the daughters were placed at odd angles in relation to mother, it appears a bit random.
With only 2 generations we can tell that each mother cog has only two daughters. The daughters have been rotated slightly from the initial vertical postion.
From the Matryoshka's developers own bathroom, a soap bar with remants stuck on top. Photographed and then turned into a cutout using the Gimp image editing software.
Soap bar mother replicated with what appears to be 2 daughter bars. Total of 4 generations.
In this one the daughters have been scaled down to about 60% of mothers size. Looks a little bit like the classic mandelbrot fractal.
Here we can see that the right daughter has been flipped on a vertical axis so that it is the mirror image of the left daughter.
It may surpise you to know that the spike is from a photo of a sculpture in a park in the city of Barcelona. In real life the spike is about 4 meters high.
With 3 daughters per mother flower, you quickly get a lot of flowers with each successive generation.
Jewel replicated with 6 daughters per mother object, to create a snowflake-like object.